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                  江蘇省高校計算機等級考試命題研究院 江蘇省高校計算機等級考試輔導


                  曹蘇群  http://caosuqun.bokee.com

                  關鍵詞排序    算法                                          


                  1)        選擇法排序


                  (1)     n個數中選出最小數的下標,出了循環,將最小數與第一個數交換位置;

                  (2)     除第一個數外,在剩下的n-1個數中再按方法(1)選出次小的數,與第二個數交換位置;

                  (3)     以此類推,最后構成遞增序列。


                                                              8       6       9       3       2       7

                  第一輪交換后             2       6       9       3       8       7

                  第二輪交換后             2       3       9       6       8       7

                  第三輪交換后             2       3       6       9       8       7

                  第四輪交換后             2       3       6       7       8       9

                  第五輪無交換             2       3       6       7       8       9




                  Private Sub xzPaiXu(a() As Double, sheng As Boolean)


                      Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

                      Dim temp As Double

                      Dim m As Integer

                      For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) - 1     '進行數組大小-1輪比較

                          m = i                             



                          For j = i + 1 To UBound(a)         '在剩下的元素中找出最


                              If sheng Then                  '若為升序,則m記錄最小元素


                                  If a(j) < a(m) Then m = j


                                  If a(j) > a(m) Then m = j

                              End If

                          Next j                             '將最值元素與第i個元素交換

                          temp = a(i)

                          a(i) = a(m)

                          a(m) = temp

                      Next i

                  End Sub



                  Option Base 1

                  Private Sub Command1_Click()

                      Dim b(6) As Double

                      b(1) = 8

                      b(2) = 6

                      b(3) = 9

                      b(4) = 3

                      b(5) = 2

                      b(6) = 7

                      Call xzPaiXu(b, True)

                      For i% = 1 To 6

                          Print b(i)


                  End Sub


                  2)        冒泡法排序



                                                      8       6       9       3       2       7

                  8  6  9  3  2  7

                  8  6  9  2  3  7

                  8  6  2  9  3  7

                  8  2  6  9  3  7

                  2  8  6  9  3  7


                                                     2  3  8  6  9  7


                                                     2  3  6  8  7  9


                                                     2  3  6  7  8  9


                  2  3  6  7  8  9






                  Private Sub mpPaiXu(a() As Double, sheng As Boolean)


                      Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

                      Dim temp As Double

                      Dim m As Integer

                      For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) - 1     '進行n-1輪比較


                          For j = UBound(a) To i + 1 Step -1 'ni個元素兩兩進行比較


                              If sheng Then                  '若次序不對,馬上進行交換


                                  If a(j) < a(j - 1) Then

                                      temp = a(j)

                                      a(j) = a(j - 1)

                                      a(j - 1) = temp

                                  End If


                                  If a(j) > a(j - 1) Then

                                      temp = a(j)

                                      a(j) = a(j - 1)

                                      a(j - 1) = temp

                                  End If

                              End If

                          Next j                             '出了內循環,一輪排序結束


                      Next i

                  End Sub





                  1)        補充代碼(2003秋二(10))



                                    Option Base 1

                                    Private Sub Command1_Click()

                                    Dim a(10) As Integer,i As Integer

                                  For i = 1 To 10

                                     a(i) = Int(Rnd * 10)+1

                                     Text1 = Text1 & Str(a(i))

                                  Next i

                                  Call shaker_sort(a)

                                  For i = 1 To 10

                                     Text2 = Text2 & Str(a(i))

                                  Next i

                                    End Sub


                                    Private Sub Shaker_sort(k() As Integer)

                                    Dim i As Integer,c As Integer,d As Integer

                                    Dim t As Integer

                                    c = 1

                                    d =     1  


                                        For     2    Step-1

                                           If k(i=1)>k(i) Then

                                              t = k(i-1):k(i-1) = k(i):k(i) = t

                                           End If

                                        Next i


                                        For i = c+1 To d

                                           If     4   Then

                                              t = k(i-1):k(i-1) = k(i):k(i) = t

                                           End If

                                        Next i

                                        d = d-1

                                    Loop While     5  

                                    End Sub


                  2)        編程題(2002秋上機試卷04

