二級VB常用算法(七)數組元素插入刪除- - |
VB常用算法(七)數組元素插入刪除- -曹蘇群 http://caosuqun.bokee.com Tag: 插入 刪除 算法
1、算法說明數組中元素的插入和刪除一般是在已固定序列的數組中插入或刪除一個元素,使得插入或刪除操作后的數組還是有序的。 基本思路:首先要找到插入位置或要刪除的元素。 1) 插入
代碼如下: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a(10) As Integer Dim i As Integer, k As Integer For i = 0 To 9 '生成數組 a(i) = i * 3 + 1 Print a(i); Next i Print "插入14" For k = 0 To 9 '查找插入14在數組中的位置 If 14 < a(k) Then Exit For Next k For i = 9 To k Step -1 '從最后元素開始逐個后移,騰出位置 a(i + 1) = a(i) Next i a(k) = 14 '插入數14 For i = 0 To 10 Print a(i); Next i End Sub
2) 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 K
代碼如下: Dim a() as integer …. ReDim a(1 to n) … For i=k+1 to n a(i-1)=a(i) Next I Redim preserve a(1 to n-1)
2、實戰練習1) 補充代碼(2001秋二(8)) C盤根目錄下文件Data4.txt的內容是:2,4,6,8,10,1,3,5,7,9。下面程序的功能是將文件后半部分的奇數分別按序插入到前半部分的適當位置,得到的新數列是:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10。(實現方法:第一次調整后的數列是:1 2 4 6 8 10 3 5 7 9第二次調整后的數列是:1 2 3 4 6 8 10 5 7 9)。
Option Explict Private Sub Form_Click() Dim A(10) As Integer,i As Integer,J As Integer Open "c:\Data4.txt" For Input As #12 Do (1) J=J+1 Input #12,A(J) Call Insert(A) For i=1 To 10 Print A(i); Next i Close #12 End Sub
Private Sub Insert(A() As Integer) Dim i As Integer,Putp As Integer,J As Integer Dim Getp As Integer,N As Integer,Tem As Integer N=UBound(A)/2 Putp=1 Getp=N+1 For i=1 To N Tem=A(Getp) For J=Getp To Putp +1 Step -1 (2) Next J A(Putp)=Tem Getp=Getp+1 Putp= (3) Next i End Sub
2) 補充代碼(2001春二(8)) 下面程序得功能是將無序數組中相同得數只保留一個,其余得刪除,并輸出經過刪除后的數組元素,刪除相同數是通過將該數組元素后面的元素在數組內依次前移替換前一個元素的值實現的。數組各元素的值從文件data.txt中讀取。
Option Explict Option Base 1 Private Sub Form_Click() Dim I As Integer,J As Integer,K As Integer Dim A()As Integer,T As Integer,M As Integer Open "c:\my documents\2000test\data.txt" For Input As #1 Do While (1) I=I+1 Redim Preserve A(I) Input #1,A(I) M=1:T= (2) Do While M I=M+1 Do While I<=T If A(I)=A(M)Then For J=1 To (3) A(J)=A(J+1) Next J T=T-1 Else I= (4) End If M=M+1 Redim Preserve A(T) For I=1 To T Print A(I); Next I End Sub